Nicely done little bit on scrimshaw.
Hard to get saltier than scrimshaw on a whale's tooth, no?
Henry Battisoni
A little story in the local rag may be of intrest.
Jon |
It's a busy time around the waterfront, so be sure you haven't missed the July/August 2009 issue of Classic Yacht.
Bill Prince |
The headline
is: "Fuel
price hikes take lesser toll on diesels" This statement applies to recent
sales figures and even if one were to stretch it, it still does not reveal
the total numbers of gas vs diesel boats in service.
Chris Ostlind |
Greetings, The log-awaited DVD 'How to Make a Catamaran Sailboat from PVC Pipe' is now available from my web site. The new web site is now online. Thank you for your interest and patience.
Martin Adams
www.RebelCat.com |
Here is my write-up for this year's Columbia 150.
Andrew Linn
It's a little early now; but I'll raise a glass to this man (Who I
only know from this article).
Hajo |
Well I have this site to keep up with my Laguna build. It's about a week maybe 2 behind. But it will give you the idea.
Gordo Barcomb |
Ahoy Chuck,
Hope all is good with you. I found this video on the BBC and thought you might like to share it on your site. I can think of a few times when one of these would have been very handy against stupid motor boats!
Benjy |
Sandra suggested that I send you the link to my Lapwing build site. As I make progress, I'll post updates. My goal is to have her finished by Spring BOOTS.
Also, I received my Small Craft Advisor yesterday. Thanks for the way that you covered my little disaster.
John Turpin |
Hi Chuck,
I hope all is well. I've just uploaded photos and comments to my boat site:
1. Notes on storing and trailering Cream Cheese, a Michalak AF3
2. Notes on my transom repairs to Peanut Butter, a modified Bolger Cabin Clam Skiff.
Frank San Miguel |
wo weeks ago I ran into a guy with a '57 Lone Star aluminum runabout, and now comes this article. The Lone Star's fins resembled a '57 Chevy's more closely than do those on Kev-fin's Glastron, so closely that I wondered who was practicing industrial espionage on whom.
Ross Miller
A short video of all 4 boats on the 2009 OBX130. Not too much wind.... Left to right, bow of Embers Watch, Seans Piccup Squared, Patox, George's Martha Jane, Terrapin' and Paul's Roonio, Serendipity.
Bill Moffitt
I'm not very good with documenting my builds: My hobby is boat
building; not photography or writing build descriptions. However my
boatbuilding flickr stream is HERE.
Hajo |
The Mid Atlantic Small Craft Festival is a great event for
builders/sailors of small boats. This year we will be building a
basic, lumberyard grade PDRacer as one of our workshops and we will
also be specializing our sailing race to include boats of 8 feet and
under as a special grouping.
Bob Cavenagh |
I think if I build a camper it will probably be the Kampmaster style.
Only with no complicated jointed door. Even kampmaster themselves didn't mess with that nonsense.
Rob |
Here's an interesting article about a chap kayaking round UK for charity. We were on hols recently and saw him on a beach in Wales when the Daily Mail were interviewing him, but we didn't know anything about it, so here's the story.... |
.... Numerous videos on youtube, under the name 'janefoulis1'
Charles Jenkinson |
I made a rope ladder as a re-entry aid. It was real easy and took maybe ten minutes to do.
Houston Canoe Club members Terry and Kathleen Burgess have just started a new paddling venture out in west Texas. It's called Val Verde PaddleSports and it's located in Comstock, Texas.
Linda Gorski |
Interesting review today of a new biography of Arthur Ransome, the author of Swallows and Amazons, in the Economist, by far the best news magazine in English. Commie babes, Lenin, Trotsky, espionage, betrayal, love, lots of boats. It doesn't get much better than this. How did our world get so pale?
Cheers, Brian Anderson |
Aluminum Bartender for sale.
submitted by Bruce Armstrong |
Sailing under full sail in 12-15 mph of wind with a balanced lugsail rig. Speed in the shots ranged between 4 and 6 knots, seas were just beginning to white cap. A nice sail, all around! Video shot on 8/22/09. Le Dulci-Mer is a 30-foot, tack-and-tape boat carrying an unusual but easy to use and unstayed balance lug rig.
Gary Blankenship |
Here is a very interesting website worthy of your consideration. Links to other parts of the site are at the very end of the epoxy article. It may be worth highlighting in your October Webwatch.
Respectfully, Pete
Port Ludlow WA |
Are you thinking of buying a boat? Not sure if it's a
good and strong boat? Wonder how strong the hull is? Well
have no fear. Now there is the Bubba Test for boats. The
following video will demonstrate this very valuable test.
Carl |
Here is a new video of our Mushulu 14 on the water. Turn your sound up, mate.
Mark Bowdidge |
The Baywood Navy website has been completely revised. Besides a new look you will find many new articles for your enjoyment.
Please browse through the site and send us any comments or suggestions you might have.
The Baywood Navy Scribe |
I've started a new set of how to videos on my www.youtube.com/redbarnboats site on how I designed the Granville Bay, and all the steps leading up to and through the construction, and final launch of the hull.
Warren |
Alas, I'd just put my camera down when David pulled his Graybeal during the NW PDR Championship, so I only have aftermath shots.
Just before David's stunt we were talking in the committee boat about how we wouldn't have to do any rescuing with so little wind. But David's got a gift!
John Kohnen |
Hello Chuck,
I have created a web site for my little creations, and have added a link to your Duckboat BBS website.
Could you add a link to my site? I would appreciate it.
Ken Simpson |
I've put your logo on my boating page as a link to Ducksworks. With your permission it will remain there.
Bill Sellen |