January - February - March - April - May - June - July
August - September - October - November - December
If you know of something that would be of interest,
please send me a link - chuck.leinweber@gmail.com |
For anyone who's interested, I posted a blog entry on beginning construction of this ultra-simple approach to a minimalist beach-cruiser.
Ray Aldridge |
If only every Captain was like this...
Charles Jenkinson
(video clip from BlackadderTV series) |
Did you see this? Fabulous.
Benjy |
Hi Chuck,
I have set up a yahoo group for people wanting to build and share ideas on the one sheet madness. If you could post a link, that would rock, Thanks
Phillip. |
Here is a video about a single handed voyage in a Mirror Dinghy from Emsworth to Poole Harbour, 50 miles, on the South coast of England
Here is another dinghy cruising video - this one shows two sisters sailing British Columbia's wild Inside Passage from Prince Rupert to Klemtu in 11 foot Mirror Dinghies.
Here is a good slide show on the Watertribe Ultra Marathon |
About using copper/epoxy mix as antifouling, this link suggests it works well... |
... This link shows how cool it can look, though maybe not on a boat.
Brian Anderson |
Written by Mike Waters, the aim of this site is to provide sound technical advice to help users and potential buyers of small sailing multihulls to come to a wise choice for their personal needs. |
Very nice website. I hope you consider adding the following link:
Thank you,
Paul R. Kotzebue, PE
Mechanical Engineer
CA License M32745
Here is a link to a PDF document abou the group that floated down the Ouachita. It was a
keelboat and they did it in the winter. They launched at Camden and floated
down to Morrow Bay in southern Arkansas.
Brian and I are underway on a race against the clock to get a pair of Gary Dierking Tamanu canoes finished prior to the Texas200. We will be lashing them together and using the rig from the H 18 to make a bigger, more cruise styled cat. Check out the wikiproa blog of it's construction.
Dan St Gean |
For those who may be interested, I put up a pair of fresh articles on my
website. There's a short piece on the beginning of a new cat build in Athens, Greece from my Gato Especial design.... |
... There is also a look at the design for a small, easily assembled demountable trimaran that has been initially created for a father and his disabled daughter.
Chris Ostlind |
I had sent along some information on a Hot Chili I was working on (so to
speak) last fall. Finally I'm back on track with all bulkheads cut and a new website to
cronicle the build, it can be found here.
Stephen Cookson |
Morning Chuck----A couple of days ago while wandering the web I came upon this website. It is quite large and has some excellent and well documented resoration projects. It may be an excellent source of info for those of us who rebuild rather than build. The best to you and yours,
Bob Thomas
Here are some video links to Sean Moffitt's First sail day in just completed
Michalak "Piccup Squared" christened Patox.
Bill Moffit |
This Texas Parks and Wildlife film segment originally ran on PBS featuring building a wood strip kayak for the Junior Texas Water Safari. It features our friend and Duckworks contributor, Skip Johnson... |
We are adding an event calendar to the Platypusboats website. We'd be happy to include your sailing events. Please send the info
(as an MS Word document if possible) to: jeff@platypusboats.com
Hi Chuck,
Would you add my web site to the list of Links on Duckworks Magazine? It is the West Wight Potter Owners Home Port. It is a web site full of information about the WWPotter Sailboat & their owners.
Thanks and best wishes,
Bill Nolen |
Here is the website of a couple of guys who are going to attempt to sail the Northwest Passage in a Norseboat. |
I boated with Terry Lesh this last weekend. His boat turned out beautifully. The finish is immaculate. As fair and smooth as a baby's bum. Here's a couple fotos of the event, including two of his boat.
David Graybeal
A bunch more shots of Terry's new boat in this album for the Dexter Lake Season Opener Messabout, Lowell, Oregon, March 27 & 28, 2009
John Kohnen |
Fun instructable -
make your dinghy into a land sailer.
Hajo |
I happen to receive the NASA “Tech Briefs” magazine. The April 2009 issue shows an “adaptive kayak paddling aid” for the handicapped... |
... apparently designed by “High Seas Productions”, a trans-atlantic sailboat project. Odd combination, but interesting.
Archie Naysmith
Sandra sent me this link to a New York Times article titled "Boats Too Costly to Keep Are Littering Coastlines".