Just imagine using this computer to make boat plans.
Not sure if you noticed (its been a year, no?) but I have started on my boat again. There are 4 or 5 posts prior to this one as well.
I just posted my write up of Boathouse activities October 4-5.
Andrew Linn
The OCSG of the UK has an excellent Beaufort wind scale for canoe sailors and is also IMO totally applicable to new and intermediate dinghy sailors.
Not only are the wind speed and sea conditions given, but also commentary on the applicable sailing skill needed for the conditions.
That was a hell of a trip - truly lots of great people. Thanks, Mike and
Jackie - you are excellent hosts.
Andrew Linn
An Interesting Cheap and Easy Boat.
Checkout this model we are building.
Dr. Capt. John A. C. Cartner, maritime piracy expert, speaks with Maritime TV regarding possible scenarios that took place in the recent kidnapping of the American Captain and Chief Engineer of the M/V C-Retriever in Nigeria's Gulf of Guinea. He addresses plausible explanations ranging from armed robbery to mutiny.
Maritime TV
If interested, photos and comments on my website.
John Balch
I've been looking at the Ranger Tugs.
The Rosborough RF246 is one of the best small powered cruisers available.
I have a related resource for the Celebrating Thanksgiving on a Boat.
Dan Matteson's weekly podcasts - very interesting and very professionally done.
Scene is set for 2013 Extreme Sailing SeriesT final in Brazil.
Goat Island Skiff. Building and sailing the skiff.
I will have the two calendar order forms up on my PolySail International Products Page.
David (Shorty)
This kid can come sailing with me...