I've just returned from the Georgetown Boat Show and would like to say "It was great".
I'm glad I didn't wait until next year when my boat is finished. A lot of the people said they've never seen a boat in progress and they were glad to see the innards of a boat on the build.
All of the folks did a double take as they saw the boat and then a smile washed over their faces as they saw it was a tug. They all asked if it was a float boat. I told them it was a boat to float. They said it reminded them of the children’s books about the tug that could.
It was good for me to hear all of their praise. I can remember that for quite a few weeks as I work to finish.
Everything about the setup was like a good clock. We were directed to our place and helped to roll the boat into its space. I didn't bring chocks and the guy next over gave me a rock he carries as a spare to chock my wheels.
Handing out the packets was smooth. Everything was ready to go, no waiting.
The team setting up the tent for the boat build and banquet was proficient. After the build, the switch over was pretty rapid.
We look forward to next year.
Rowing Category
John Crosby Charlottesville, Va |
John Martin Cottageville SC |
Lyusik Skorubsky Columbia SC |
Edwin Davis Sr Melbourne Fl |
Canoe Category
John Warren Mt Pleasant SC |
Doug Roberts Moundsville WV
Why the hole in the bow—He said “Because!” |
Mike Murphy Beaufort SC |
Kayak Category
Hamp Kirkland Mt Pleasant SC |
Ryan & Charles Taro Wilmington NC |
Sail Category
Special Award
William Schlein Greer. SC.
His daughter chose the paint and helped. |
There were 13 categories this is just a sample. Visit the web site:
woodenboatshow.com for more pictures of excellent boats.
Now for some of my pictures.
Nice bow sculpture |
Model boats with radio control |
Penelope Category
winner |
Old Chris Craft |
Pirates tried to steal my boat. I offered them more Captain Morgan and they took that instead! |
That’s totally built with 1 inch slats! |
Even had Steam power boats!
Look cannons also! |
Notice the boat wagon, that’s a wood trailer with a wooden boat. The boat can come off.
The builder’s son uses it for a wagon. |
This was built in 1905. |
I hope you enjoy the sample. I'm not a photographer so it's not a good study in pictures. There was also a boat building competition; they had 16 two person teams. They were to build a rowboat in less than 4 hours and then tag team race around some buoys, at least 5 boats sank.
Keep building and safe.
Ed (chief Redbear) Davis DSC USN RET