Click here: Kayak Fisherman Rescues Dog: Bizarre End To Grisly Tale (VIDEO).
Chuck |
Stan with another sail for his PDR. This may be the final look. I took a movie of him out in it today {in water Dave, not ice) and here it is on youtube. We had a hard time dragging ourselves away from the stove in the hut to watch him but if there's a chance of capsize and tragedy we'll walk down the 30 feet to see.
David Lucas |
The Boat Project, an English endeavor, is using the latest yacht building methods to turn wooden objects donated by people from across the South East into a seaworthy archive of stories and memories. From February - August 2011 people were asked to bring us their wood - but not just any old wood. Pencil or piano - exotic as Zebrawood or as familiar as pine - we wanted something that's a part of you, something with a story to tell. 1,200 people came with their wood and told us their story, each donation is now being used along with thousands of others to construct this seafaring record of our lives.
Chuck |
Free Ebooks
The Rescue, by Joseph Conrad
The After House, by Mary Roberts Rinehart
The Chauffeur and the Chaperon, by C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson
Mike John |
It was nice to have a day off today to get a little work done on the Michalak Vireo. All panels have been laid out and most cut out on the plywood. Jim Michalak has done an excellent job laying out these panels and so far it is very straightforward.
photos at https://jostboats.blogspot.com/
dnjost |
Robert Morales has rounded the Horn in Pachuca. God speed! And with him went the SCAMP's burgee. Here's his blog description.
Simeon |
Gene Rosson sent this to me, I couldn't stop watching it. I don't know if you will watch the whole hour of a birch canoe being built, I did. I want to know what the magic bending liquid he uses is. You'll see.
Dave Lucas |
Since I've never gotten around to purchasing a movie editor that's compatible with the files from my little kodak movie camera, I decided to try out Youtube's video editor. It's really not an editor, but it does allow you to splice things together in a pinch.
Paul |
Here you go, your next build.
John Boy
Yvan Bourgnon and crew Sebastien Roubine just rounded Cape Horn in a Nacra
Hajo |
A couple of interesting pictures of pre-WWII houseboats...
Pete |
My article "Why I Love Leeboards - 13 reasons why leeboards are better than daggerboards / centeboards" is now up on my web site.
Dr. Frank |
Here is a neat new boat that you can get plans from Duckworks for.
Chuck |
We are establishing a social enterprise that's going to build a fleet of Phillip Thiel inspired Escargot, Joliboat and Friend Ship.
Gary Clarke |
Be sure to check out Trojan Battery's new corporate video to see how we
continue to shape the world of deep-cycle technology.
Visit https://www.trojanbattery.com/ and click on the "Corporate Video" image
in the lower lefthand corner.
Kari |
Open this link to Dorymans blog and go down till you get to the Viking boat place and click on the video to see them building a huge Viking boat.
Shortcut to: https://dory-man.blogspot.com/
Dave Lucas |
Please follow the link to a small blog I will keep for the Paulsboat build. There will be a more complete article about the genesis, build, and testing of this design later in the summer. I am hoping for a May
12th splash. But for now you can follow the progress of the build of this neat expedition sailing canoe at this blog.
Paul |
Unusual video of floating houses and boats.
Stewart |
Here is the link to my YouTube video showing your lateen sail on my PDR named "Coot aka Mud Hen. I must say that I get a lot of compliments on how nice my sail looks. The PDR has exceeded all my expectations due to the fine quality of your sail.
Lance |
Here is an interesting product. It is kind of spendy for an amateur, but cool nonetheless.
I think Andy or Scott need to do this in a PDR...
Hajo |
Boatbuilder sued by state for taxes owed, labeled a manufacturer. Here's the story.
Tom |