Paul Moffitt will be sending a report and a photo or two each day. We will post those blog style with the latest on top.
Sunday, September 16:
I just got home yesterday, Saturday, from the OBX. Thursday we were to sail from the hook of Cape Lookout to Dump island. This was a 22 mile sail, all up wind with waves of 2-4'. First we had to get out of the "ditch" which is what the locals call the channel that leads out of the hook. So we got up before done and left the beach before the sun was up to catch the tide. If we had not we would have had to fight the tide as well as the wind. So a 6 am start. The Princess 22 did really well although Tony Day says he is having problems taking in high winds with his cat rig. He plans on talking to Graham about it. The Toon 2, even though it doesn't point very high, can take on the waves and maintain momentum through the waves, so after a 12 hour day both the Toon 2 and the princess 22 made it. The AS 29 is an amazing boat which George Broadlick had showed up in the night before. They left last and took a look around shackleford and harkers before heading up. Boy I am glad they did. By 3pm, after 9 hours of sailing, I was way behind the the Princess 22 and the Toon2. Although paulsboat points really well upwind it got stalled and pushed off the point of sail in the 2-4 foot waves. The wind was blowing around 15 mph with gusts up tp 20. I was riding the boat real hard.
After 9 hours of sailing I was starting to get a little tired. I probably should have stopped at that point and taken a break. But I had just gotten a second wind and felt OK. I decided to give be feet a break, which I had been steering with the whole time, and use the hand line instead. I was on the starboard take which is the side that the lee board is on. I was pushing it and the boat was leaning over far just had it had been all day. A combination of a large wave, slow reaction time with my steering line, and the lee board guard rail digging in contrived to send the boat over. I furled the sail first then got the boat up with very little effort by pushing on the lee board. It came right up. The sail had some water in it and the boat was about half full. I was able to climb over the side easily. I had the boat bailed and sailing again in about 30 minutes. In the meantime the AS 29 caught up to me and picked up the stuff that had floated out of my boat. My hands were shaking and the blood left them and my feet. I was exhausted and knew I couldn't make it on my own to the next camp. So the AS 29 graciously gave me a tow. I rode the rest of the way with George and his two 20 something boys Jimmy and David whom I have known for several years now. It was an enjoyable ride and the peanut butter sandwich and cup of coffee was the best meal I have ever had. THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!
The next morning a repaired to the beach at dump island and repaired a few small things on my boat. I sailed the last day in company with my Sean and Bill on the Toon 2 to cedar island. It was a good last sail. All in All the OBX this year was one of the most memorable and pleasurable experiences I have ever had. I would have loved to have a few more people show up but I understand the timing of the event was late in the season. The weather was awesome. Low 80's in the afternoon and 50's in the night. Late next year I will announce the time for the next event and gauge potential interest. I plan on changing the course fairly radically for the next event and doing the Pamlico Sound. IF you have any questions please join us at the facebook group page at OBX130 (link above).
Friday, September 14:
Yesterday was long up wind day. The toon 2 did well in
2 to 4 foot waves as did princess 22. The waves pushed me off the wind so I made bad time. Then after 9 hours sailing I flipped. My phone mostly broke. I'll have more details and photos and wrap up tomorrow. All safe and a great sail today. It's the best OBX so far.
Wednessday, September 12:
The AS29 with george and his sons pulled up at sunset to join us. Really good day. Tomorrow the tides and winds will be against us so there will be a long sail. Time to start the bonfire. |
We got to cape Lookout today. I got a blue today. Sean sailed the paulsboat and said it sailed itself. Points much higher than the toon 2. The princess 22 did really well too. |
Michall Fuller showed up on his motor boat with ice and beer. He's more than welcome. He brought his plans for the boat he's building for us to check out. |
The light house was open so we climbed to the top. Here is a view and you can see our boats down there. |
The AS29 with Goerge and his sons pulled up at sunset to join us. Really good day. Tomorrow the tides and winds will be against us so there will be a long sail. Time to start the bonfire. |
Tuesday, September 11:
Bill taking a nap and missing the show right in front of him. |
The horses like the boats. Who wouldnt? They are pretty. |
Some horses eating around our campsite |
I caught a 22 or 25 inch puppy drum while trolling a lure this morning. I was trying to transfer it to mother ship and it got droped and lost. Oh well. It was a real fight to get it on my boat. Sucker fought like hell. When it stuck it took out a lot of line too. So no fresh fish today. Yesterday i caught a spotty. Its real interesting and fun fishing from paulsboat.
Made it to shackleford. This is our camp spot for tonight. Great sail today. horses greeted us as we were pulling in. Ill take a picture and send it in when they come back. George Broadlick isnt too far behind. No one else made it but still great fun. |
Monday, September 10:
So awesome. I wish that those of you who could not make it were here. Dont worry we are having fun without you. In this picture you can see pauls boat and a toon 2 and a princess 22. An AS29 is on its way. Shackleford and the wild horses await us tomorrow. Going to have a fire soon and some dinner. This is last time we do this course for the OBX130. Next time we are circumnavigating the Pamlico sound. |
The first leg was fast. 15mph with 20mph gusts. Gun club still standing somehow. Going to walk to the atlantic and wait for other boats to show up. Paulsboat averaged 5.6 mph with one reef tied in. In gusts often got up into 7 mph. Very steady. When it starts to get overpowered it just turns up into wind. Drier then I thought it would be too. |
Its 730am and we should be leaving in 15 minutes. Absolutely bueatiful morning. |
Sunday, September 9:
Tony day's princess 22 riged and ready to put in. Only one other boat expect here sunday. Pat's fat cat should be here. George broadlick and his AS 29 should join us at first camp site. Peter larouche and his nordica 16 will join us tomorrow or next day. The other boats we were expecting have cancelled. |
My new boat is first in the water. I wont get a chance till the afternoon to sail it but that is when the other boats are showing up. The campsites are empty this time of year. The weather keeps changing for the week but still looking good. |
Sean is preping the toon 2 and trying to figure out how to fit all of bills stuff into it. |
Saturday, September 8:
Almost on the way again. Caption contest... Go! |
On the way to cedar island the trucks break lines broke. The salt of philly winters strikes again. Kind of funny picture though! |