I went to a machine shop and had John make me a new
rudder post out of 1" stainless with three half
inch horizontal pieces pinned in.
I made a mold
from the old rudder but made it a bit wider
to accomodate double head sail combination.
I layed a piece of plastic to the bottom and
sides of the mold so the epoxy wouldn't stick
to the wood. |
I then laid
some glass cloth top and bottom to give some
added strength. |
I mixed up
a big batch of epoxy with 407 and 410 filler
and poured it in the mold over the stainless
post and pins. |
Then I
mixed another batch to top it off. |
After the epoxy
set up I stripped from the form, it was an inch
and a half thick all the way around. |
I took the
blank out back to the grinding table and started
grinding away to give it the shape I desired. |
Notice the
derelict in the background as I grind away... |
... until I
got the shape I wanted. |
Then I glassed
both side for further added toughness. |
The next step
will be to prime and paint it when I finsh the
hull. |
Bob Means.