Weight |
- |
100lbs (46kg) - Gaboon (Okoume)
Ply |
Simple to Build
Built in Buoyancy tanks
Excellent Utility Boat for Caravanning.
Comprehensive Plan Pack with step by step instructions
and many illustrations
The Handy Punt
was derived largely from the 8ft (2.4m) Phil
Bolger designed "Skimmer" - yet another
example of Bolger's Genius. |
The Handy Punt was my third design. It was derived
largely from the 8ft (2.4m) Phil Bolger designed "Skimmer"
- yet another example of Bolger's Genius. (Skimmer
is in Dynamite Payson's book "Build the New Instant
The advantage of the "Handy Punt" is purely
in terms of load carrying capacity. She will carry
a family of four quite happily.
With all that built-in buoyancy there is quite a
good margin of safety, but it is important to remember
that punts really are suited to lake, river and estuary
The Punt comes out of 4 sheets of ply. One of the
fun aspects was the amazing lack of ply wastage. Probably
less than 5% of the ply is not used in the boat. An
interesting corollary of this is that it is difficult
to stretch her in length or beam without increasing
the amount of ply needed substantially.
When I drew
the plans up I made the transom strong enough
to handle a 15hp outboard. |
When I drew the plans up I made the transom strong
enough to handle a 15hp outboard. The first few launched
used modest powerplants of 6 to 8hp which she handles
very nicely. Lower power (5hp) is OK if there is only
one person and a light payload - maybe a child and
some fishing gear and the intention is to chug along.
Given 8 hp the punt moves along quickly with two
people and gear and still moves well with three .
10hp is better.
The report I have heard of the 15hp is that one or
two up it is a very fast ride - lots of speed - lots
of spray.
Punts are fast
under moderate power in reasonably smooth water,
have a huge initial stability and good weight
carrying ability. |
Performance and handling:
The punt is one of the most common utility boats.
They are fast under moderate power in reasonably smooth
water, have a huge initial stability and good weight
carrying ability.
The usual problem with punts is weight of the bottom
construction. The Handy punt avoids this by having
large external bottom runners which distributes the
loads into the seat faces. The epoxy technology allows
this approach as the boat is effectively glued into
one piece. Not my idea but stolen from the original
The Handy Punt will lift up onto the bottom runners
when lightly laden at higher speeds, this reduces
the wetted area for a reduction in drag, and more
Weight has a huge affect on speed and general performance.
The weight of 110 lbs would be acheivable using Gaboon
Plywood which is 30% lighter than most other plywoods.
Building is
instant style with all components prefabricated
out on the flat. |
Building is instant style with all components prefabricated
out on the flat. The sides are then set up with the
bulkheads and transom between.
The boat is now turned over and the seat tops and
gunwale framing fitted. Finally the boat is inverted
again and the bottom and bottom runners are now fitted.
They work in conjunction with the frames inside the
boat to provide a very stiff structure.
Here are pictures of the building process
Michael Storer Boat Design
Wooden Boat Plans
Punt plans available here
Michael Storer plans from Duckworks |