What a dirty, rotten, underhanded trick!
All I came up with were photos of magnetos
and carburettors, dirty, greasy ones... Caveat
I obtained a sail number for my Pelican "Trixie
B". I asked Muriel Short
if she would dig up an old one from around
1966 when my boat was first registered with
California DMV, and she did it. Trixie B will
carry #140 before too much longer.
I'll be sending my sails to SailCare for
their rejuvination process. I haven't seen
any mention of them at any time on Duckworks.com
or on the Yahoo forum. They quoted me around
$90 to clean, apply new resin, replace logos
and add numbers. I searched the Trailer
Sailor forum and found numerous
references to them. It seems to be a good
company. In researching them, the biggest
problem people have with them is the leadtime
in the Spring and Summer. For people wanting
"brand new" sails for serious racing,
they need to get brand new sails instead of
using SailCare. They're having a Fall special,
and estimate four to six weeks turnaround
right now. In the Spring, the leadtime is
more like 14 weeks.
I really enjoy Duckworks magazine. Today's
down the Rhine took my mind off
work quite nicely.
Jerry Church
SF Pelican 12 #140 "Trixie B"
Awesome foils article. I've been wanting
to make some NACA foils for Sea Fever but
never had a good sense of how to approach
the construction.
All best,
Gavin Atkin is a writer and editor by profession,
a wordsmith with a love of boats and boating.
An Englishman, with roots deep in a country
steeped in the history of boating, he has
started a website
where articles on rebuilds, restorations and
new builds of very old designs will be featured.
Remember that the oldest working boat in
the world is within a days drive of where
he lives, she is 198 years old this year and
still fishing, and that institutions like
the Windermere Steam Museum, and the Bristol
Maritime Museum with working and static exhibits
that go back centuries are also within his
There are very old steam tugs, square riggers
such as The Cutty Sark and Victory, Small
boats such as the Thames Wherries still available
for hire, broads yachts, canal boats and (
my particular passion) the Solent punts, Falmouth
Quay punts and Ichen Ferries all within his
ability to get there and get articles to us.
Its early days for the site and its editor
yet, but if we all get in there and support
him, we could have a real treasure.
Do go and visit the website,
contribute to it you can or just notify him
of a webpage of interest, he deserves the
John Welsford
Look at Iowa Thin film,they're building solar
hospital tents for the MASH units in Iraq.
They have killer roll up solar "panels"
at good prices! I have used them since they
came out, in California central valley heat...
very good ju-ju! On boats, cars and SAR comm
units. Do you have/where can I get a set of
bits for a Stanley brace? Many Tx
C Beard
I am preparing to build a couple of Birder
kayaks (B&B Yacht Designs), and Graham
specifies silane-treated tape for the seams.
When this came up the last time (building
my Core Sound 20) I asked the same question
of RAKA, where I buy my epoxy, and they didn't
know what I was talking about. I didn't either,
so this time I looked it up: silane is a class
of chemical additives that increase the bond
strength between and epoxy and fiberglass,
especially in the long term. Can you tell
me if your tape is so treated? I'm especially
interested in the 6oz biaxial tape in 6"
width, but I'm also in the market for 4oz
Jeff Michals-Brown
PS: Thanks especially for Duckworks Magazine:
I have become a confirmed addict, and a day
seldom goes by that I don't check it!
MY first sail boat, over 40 years ago was
a LOA 17, by Loman in SO. Calif. I would like
to find out if any are possibly available
today, as I had number 214, someplace I read
that over 600 were made as I recall, and the
boat in your article came from a fellow "coot"
member, Pat Patteson. Really good sailing
rig, and long berths, I sailed it from Marina
Del Rey for years, graduated to a Cal 27 1/2
ton, and finally to a Mc Innes Samurai (hull
#7), an all wood cutter rig 25 ft. on deck
30ft. with bow sprit and boomkin, built in
Costa Mesa, Ca. A superb boat for smaller
size livaboard, (cruising interior design
by Eric Hiscock) and many trips to Catalina
and Channel Islands over 20 years, before
moving back home to Oregon. Hard to find data
on this boat too, or maybe I just don't look
in the right places?
When I contacted WoodenBoat magazine, I was
told they did not know of the class. I figured
they would have some sort of list, even if
not wood, although the first ones were plywood
totally. The earlier copies of Royces "Sailing
Illustrated" had a listing of the class
inside the cover, with many others. There
the trail ended, perhaps your readers know
a bit more about the boat?
I have seen one other, in a local marina,
but would like to find one to restore to sailing
condition. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a set of sails for about a 14 ft. hull,
which might do for a while on the LOA, or
similar size boat. If I have to I could build
a similar boat, but saving one of these would
be a good way to go as well.
Thank You, Cal Drake - lendercal@yahoo.com
I'd like to posit
the notion of a 'New' section for the store,
in a similar fashion to that seen on the magazine.
Not a daily [or maybe even weekly] update. Maybe
a monthly update would be enough, or just 'last
20 items added' rolling over. Not infrequently
I'll see something on the little banner-ads
on the magazine and say to myself "I didn't
know they had those". Of course when I
need something specific then DW is now where
I look first, and goodness knows I'm an infrequent
purchaser, but I do wonder if there are sales
to be generated by making a feature of new additions
to the catalogue. Catering to the "I didn't
know I needed that, but now I do" syndrome.
As things stand I suspect you're adding goodies
which I and others will not see until we're
looking for something else.
Hi Chuck,
I came across this article from years gone
by at: www.vintageprojects.com they have a
selection of boat plans which will entertain
your readers. This particular article is quite
funny and coincidentally is almost exactly
the way we built back yard boats 50 years
ago.... when plywood was too expensive and
waterproof glue was not available at the general
store... but white lead and cotton string
It's a good first project for anyone who
has never built a lapstreak hull before....
only two boards per side!
Jack Panter
Engine for Boat Builders |
Hello Chuck,
We are getting a steady stream of searches...
24 today from your site, as near as I can
Bruce Dilahunty
Pioneer Succumbs to Leukemia |
Doug (John) Day, who built PDRacer #1 was
battling leukemia for a 2nd time and died
October 12, 2006. He fought it off a few years
ago and it was in remission. After the first
battle, since it was a near death experience
he looked at some of his life dreams that
were not yet accomplished. One of his dreams
was to build a boat from scratch. When the
plans for the PDRacer came out, he jumped
at them and built the first one.
We had a lot of fun racing during the first
season and going to all the Houston area messabouts.
He was a super friendly guy and a friend to
everyone. Here are some of those events:
His wife Denise hasn't made funeral arrangements
as of this writing. If you knew Doug, you
might consider dropping her a note at: daysatnight
(at) houston.rr.com
We will miss you Doug.
Well my Melonseed is finally in full swing.
After two years of wrinkling the plans, collecting
piles of lumber, ply and weird stainless steel
bits that I dont actually know what to do
with I am finally off and running. No more
form tracing or building. Its time for the
good stuff. I actually glued several carefully
crafted chunks of wood to several other carefully
crafted chunks of wood. No kit pieces. No
preformed parts. Nothing pulled out of a box.
Just well mated pieces of lumber carefully
eyed and placed. Now they are firmly bonded
together for the next few decades. I hope
they agree with each other. Divorces are never
My friends come over and comment that its
going to be a big boat. I tell them it will
be much thinner than the forms make it appear
to be. I use words like shearline and stem.
They nod politely. I try to explain the concept
of the boat's forms to them but it never seems
to stick. My eleven year old wants to know
why I have to be so careful with the parts
that arent actually going to be in the boat.
My wife simply wants it to be over. The dog
has been the most patient with me and seems
to approve of all that I do. But secretly
I think he hangs out for the scraps of lumber
and shavings from the plane.
Jim Farrelly
Augusta Georgia
Do you know of
anybody who might have a set of plans for a
scale vesion of HMS Pickle. I have been looking
for a set so that I can built a scale model.
Thus far I have built the HMS Fairfax as well
as a 12 meter.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Chuck Mercer - Charles_Mercer@comcast.net
I just read the article
on the puddle duck championship - what a great
racing class. I particularly like the scrap
of plywood trophy. What a recipe for great
boating! - participation, friendly competition,
having a laugh and a small investment of time
and money.
Anyone that surfs boat building newsgroups
will understand how easy it is to become focused
on “the boat” rather than actually
“using the boat”.
No doubt in 10 years the fleet will have
carbon/kevlar rigs and vacuum laid up hulls
but another class can always be invented!!
I've been exploring islands and national
forest boardering a lake in western NC .Don't
walk in the dark; let not your dog lick you!
In a lifetime on my home island, haven't seen
that much human feces. No wonder the Indians
lost; when those people moved in, their world
wasn't fit to live in or fight for! Shame!
I suggest you list in your "hardware"
section, shovels; and in "media"
book! The most of general public
needs education and a kick in the arse!Only
a visitor from another land but it's hard
to respect anyone who shits and leaves it
in the back yard!
B McKeough
Re my FatCat
shallow draft keels--on my first sail they
wouldn't bring the boat upwind--the best I
could handle in about 10 knot wind was about
90 degrees to the wind. That made the first
sail an adventure with my little trolling
motor and a current in San Luis Pass. But
I survived and built a leeboard, but the weather
has been too nasty to try the board, so I
am working on finding an outboard. Thanks
to all who sent comments.
Ken Purdy
I thought I'd write and tell you how much
I appreciate the quality of both the Bevel
Boss and the Power
Caulker I purchased from you.
The Bevel Boss is a superb tool that helps
me get better results every time. I'm doing
glued strip plank work using tubes of glue,
and the Power Caulker has taken a real beating.
It has performed perfectly and saved my slightly
arthritic hands from complete destruction.
Norm Lehman
Being a senior citizen,, and a boater for
the last 60 years, I have "been there,
done that!" Or seen that!
Here is a short, true story you might find
useful as a filler.
About nineteen fifty I occasionally went fishing
with a friend of my Dad's. He was an interesting
fellow. A large man, retired Marine, hunter
and fisherman and to all appearances, fearless.
We got organized early and headed for the
old "Sheldon reservoir" North of
Houston, Texas where we rented a boat. The
boat would be best described as a long pram
or skiff. The bottom of the boat was made
of one by six nailed laterally. The sides
were of one by twelves.
Sheldon reservoir was more of a swamp. Shallow,
full of stumps and brush. The water was generally
about three feet deep with another two feet
of mud below.
We loaded our gear and paddled the boat several
hundred yards out toward a "sweet spot"
that my friend knew. Just before we arrived
the boat rubbed up against a small pile of
brush. A three foot snake dropped into the
My fearless fishing buddy leaped to his feet
and with a mighty yell smashed the paddle
down onto the snake. Two of the bottom boards
were smashed and we immediately sank.
So there we were standing in a rented boat
which was sitting on the bottom in three feet
of dark water. No sign of the snake, dead
or alive.
As Mr. Johnson calmed down, we gathered our
gear and began the long wade to the bank where
he suggested it might be best if we circled
around to where his truck was parked. He mumbled
something about dealing with the boat rental
fellow later.
We never bothered to fish Sheldon again and
I was sworn to secrecy.
Wayne McMinn (doc)
Hi Tom,
I was an original owner of a fiberglass over
wood, LOA 17 with a fixed 750' keel. I had
to turn title of it over to the Ventura Marine
boatyard when the broker that I left it with
let his nephew sail it into an accident and
left it in the yard for a year while I was
a member of the USAF. I returned to find it
with a repair and yard bill that far outstripped
it's worth. The broker had left the area and
couldn't be found. That was 36 years ago...
Sweet boat at the time. I virtually lived
aboard for several years (weekends and weeks
during the summers). At the time I remember
that is was a lightning hull that was trimmed
down to 17'. Mine had the berth fwd and a
built in head to starboard just inside the
cabin area. I covered the boom with a tarp
in bad weather. That was miserable living
when it rained. Fortunately, I lived in Ventura,
CA at the time so the rain was mostly mild
and only a couple of days at a time.
Chuck Patten
Hey Chuck
In Oktobers Reports
there is a photo of a caravan on a float.
It is from a trip of 600 km. in Sweden, made
by the son of a guy, who is building a kind
of picnicboats. Here is the address:
Joern Knudsen
Any More News on Seabiscuit?
Thanks for the new site.. Its interesting
to see what people think (concern's) Harley
is back at the float & has decided "To
pack it in" & "go back home"
.. IF he can get his help to come back &
get him ... He appears to be short of money
(he said that).. He ask me if the
berth (dock fee's) run's out if he could put
the 'Seabiscuit " on beach in front of
my property until help arrives .. Getting
around the world is tough enough but without
any money would be twice as bad in my opinion
... He said he's going get the "Lead
" on the bottom of the keel, Its simply
too "tippy" & the "window
of the season" is getting late .. I told
him he had you guys cheering for him (showed
him your letter from last nite) I suggested
he could do these test's in a lake down there
,, I wonder if sleeping in that craft may
have got to him a bit also,,
Ken Gibson
I've been digging around Duckworks site
for some time now and am really imprested
with all your offerings. To be quite honest,
graphically and content wise Duckworks shines
brightly amongst other boating related sites.
Michael Hogan
I'm a member of the microcruising yahoo group
and one of you grateful readers. There is
no better place online to view study plans
for small buildable boats. I want to thank
you and yours for the work over the years.
But, about Harley.
Please let Ken & Dot Gibson know how grateful
we are for their information and support.
There are hundreds of us watching the saga
and without their information we wouldn't
know much at all and Harley wouldn't be getting
any help.
So, despite the yammering by folks who have
given up on grand dreams - Thank you for your
interviews and continuing support of Harley.
The most frustrating thing for me, is that
I live about 100 miles from Harley's home
port; I don't have a suitable vehicle or nearly
enough money to just go, pick them up and
take them home.
BTW - I posted an entry into the comments
as Boatbuilder Paul.
So, thanks for a bunch of different things
Paul Reppeto
Olympia WA
Ha, ha, well, as long as there is no instructional
video, called 'How To Paddle A Man' on sale
at Canoe Outfitters, it may remain an underground
movement. Unless your wonderful wife decides
its a good way to make extra money at Duckworks,
to do a serious tongue in cheek CD for sale,
and tap the HUGE market for it. Uh, please,
no contest, for clips of guys getting paddled.
Just not that... anything but that....
I agree we cannot stop people, if the damage
is only to themselves, Harley's wife probably
learned long ago that living with him required
she accept his dream, because the dream helped
him tolerate the banality of his life. It
becomes real long before the adventure.
Maybe it was not real enough with Harley,
before the adventure. However, you are a locus
for a culture of boaters, its a lot of resources.
Wouldn't it have been nice if it could have
worked? It could work, but it would have to
be a group effort, to design and fund an Atlantic
crossing in a group project boat.
What I do not understand, is why its often
the worlds smallest? Why not the worlds funniest,
oddest? If one wants to be notorious, there
are many ways to do it. A big Kevlar rooster,
funded by Kentucky Fried Chicken, designed
by Welsford, sailed by someone who wants to
not end up scrambled after the trip but is
scrambled enough to do it who has experience,
and wants an Atlantic Crossing in a real Clucker.
Clucker? Isn't there a class of boat called
a Clucker?
First Chicken Across the Sea? Endorsements
locked into the process.
I have spent years on series of projects that
were a total failure. They say the same thing
in anyone's world:
"Why did they die DOING THAT STUPID STUFF?"
Many ways to sail, many ways to drown.
Roger P
Have you seen this guy's site? The Blue Sky
Camp Kitchen Grub Box set ups are pretty nifty.
He makes these compact units in kits and plans.
Check out the "Grubby One" original
grub box.
This is just for your info. I have no connection
to this fellow.
Jim Hauer
A TV show that offers ideas |
Dear Chuck,
Lately, I have started to watch a really great
TV show called "How It's Made" (I
think on the Discovery Channel). Basically,
each episode shows you how they make modern
goods in an industrial setting; from contact
lenses to safety glasses to neon signs. The
show is produced in Quebec Province, Canada,
and most of the plants showcased are located
Two episodes are really informative to boatbuilders.
One episode shows the making of an RV trailer,
from welding the basic frame, to the fresh
water, waste and greywater tanks to the plumbing
and wiring to the plywood skin to the aluminum
skin to the interior to the roof. I was very
impressed by the way they adhered an EDPM
roofing material to the plywood roof deck.
Just the thing for a houseboat!
The other interesting episode was making an
airplane - from epoxy,fiberglas and carbon
fiber. First you see a really nifty machine
dispense epoxy-soaked glass cloth to a waiting
crew of 10 suited/gloved member. They use
extra epoxy to ease everything into a female
mold , then apply carbon fiber where needed,
then some sort of thick batting material (to
absorb excess epoxy, then a vacuum bagging
set up. Then they bake it at low heat. They
made it seem so easy!
Fair winds to all.
Bob Patterson
A Question
for Duckworks Readers |
Can you put this question out there for me?
Does anyone know of good (sail)boat access
only camping (like the kind you could reach
in your Mayfly 14 for example) in the midwest?
I saw that Lake Lou Yaeger in Litchfield Illinois
has "boat only access" campsites.
Has anyone ever been there?
Thanks in advance.
-Tom Burton [tom_burton@yahoo.com]
A Case
for the MacGregor 26 X |
A note to tell you what we've been doing
this summer. We're not through yet, but with
only 450 miles to go [the Kentucky lakes,
the Tennessee river and the tenn/tombigby
canal] I thought I might take a minute to
bring you up to date.
The start this spring, was rather unusual
for us. After several years of salt water
voyaging, we decided to attempt to travel
through the fresh water canals of north America.
Those specifically being the Erie, Oswego,
Rideau, Trent/Severn, and the river system
to Biloxi, Miss.
The question became the boat to do this
trip. We own a 31' trimaran, and understood
perfectly that this was not the boat for the
task. Much internet research followed. The
boat was not obvious! Cheap to buy, economical
to operate, shallow draft, livable interior
and easy to resell were the criteria. Our
usual requirements of fast and seaworthy were
not in the mix. The top speed in the canals
is 10 k.p.h and how seaworthy do you need
to be in an 8' deep 150' wide canal?
The boat that presented several times was
-- several deep breaths --the MacGregor 26
X. Please reflect a minute before laughing
so hard that to continue reading is impossible.
All my requirements are met in this, the definition
of a plastic, bathtub boat. We left the sail
rig at home, we didn't need it for the canal
trip and frankly don't ever plan to sail the
boat, as mentioned, we have a modern 31' tri
at home, arguably one of the best sailing
boats in the word, why would I care to sail
a MacGregor? However, The rarely used 50 H.P.
outboard is perfect for putting the 25' along
at 6 knots. While a diesel would have gotten
better mileage, the outboard gets 1 1/4 Gallons
an hour, and was acceptable. The interior
is almost perfect having plenty of room in
a well thought out format. Draft 9",
and while not what I would consider seaworthy,
when you load the water ballast in she stiffens
up and is able to handle wind and waves better
than I expected.
Is this a testimonial for MacGregors? No,
but I have built up a grudging respect for
the boat in 2300 miles and 4 months of use.
After a near disastrous crossing of Lake Huron
and another graphic display of my ability
to misread weather, we decided to trailer
the boat around Lake Michigan. A decision
I maintain as one of my minutes of clarity
in an otherwise muddy life.
Our trip is continuing, we're back in areas
of small waves and downhill currents, the
perfect setting for a MacGregor. But the meaning
of the phrase " Different horses for
different races " has become clear to
me this summer. Boat safe,
Lee Martin
Hi Chuck,
Rowing is more energy efficient than paddling,
or so I think.
However facing astern one can never be sure
exactly where one is going when rowing. My
son, when out in "his" first boat
(a one sheet skiff which you have seen...
and will float Shorty, barely) would rather
"row" pushing than pulling so he
could see where he went.
I wonder.... Has anyone made up a "rear
view mirror" or perhaps better stated
a "forward view mirror" for rowboats?
I envision a "C" clamp with a
rod welded on it, with a mirror attached.
It would clamp on the transom and be adjusted
so that the person rowing could see ahead.
Just an idea. I have not yet made such a
device, but am tempted to give it a try.
Gerard Mittelstaedt
Hey Chuck,
I thought Duckworks was all about, you know,
boats. What the hell is this
thing? A cross between the Batmobile
and the Starship Enterprise?
Chuck -
I just wanted to drop you an email to say
"Thanks" for running such a great
online magazine, and store. Duckworks is part
of my morning news routine, and the first
thing I consult when things get sticky on
my project.
Which I will send pictures of, someday....
Thanks again!
Peter Christian
I'm not sure what's gotten into me - I'm
stongly considering building Penguin.
My wife thinks it will keep me out of trouble.
Anyway, I just placed an order. I have no
idea where I'll moor her, store her or how
the hell to flip her and cast that chunk of
lead. Hopefully I'll have it all figured out
by the end of the build (if I get that far!).
I did go to the trouble to
loft her plan full size on my
driveway. Photo coming in subsequent e-mail...
Tom Hamernik
I started whole hog in June. I set up the
shop for a one off build, built the strongback,
lofted, cut and erected forms. Glued up transom,
ripped parts for stem and chines. Practiced
scarfing on luan which proved a very good
exercise, and generally stayed motivated.
Things screeched to a halt when my kids got
out of grade school for the summer.
Since my actual job is to be on top of my
kids they consume all of my stay at home dad
free time every summer. I am waiting for them
to start school in two weeks. July 5th I caught
a bad flu for three (3) - read 'em and weep
- weeks. I am now better but weak and have
gathered more of the supplies to tear into
this thing. I will then turn into a blur of
shavings, sawdust, plans, consternation and
boat building books.
I have come to the conclusion that when undertaking
an excursion into the unknown, with the unknown
being how to build a sailboat, there is a
level of inefficiency that is soon realized
and accepted. I spend about 25% reading the
plans/books and deciphering how to accomplish
what I have to do for a particular step in
a project. Then I spend 25% of my time completing
that step. The remaining 50% of my time is
spent locating and obtaining what I need for
the next step. Repeat cycle. Its all engaging
and fun. The hunt can open new worlds. I found
a great source for clear cypress 5 minutes
from my house. Buttery clear stock in good
lengths. Didnt even know those guys were there.
SCA really is a fun magazine. SavannahDan
is in upstate NY for most of the summer and
didnt know about the cover photo until I called.
He seemed pleased. Who wouldnt be?
Hello -- If you are not sick of poetry yet,
here's one you can use at some point. The
line lengths are variable, as is the rhyme
scheme: don't worry, it's all on purpose,
not a damaged e-mail file ;-) -- I simply
prefer semi-structured free-verse. True, the
word "busyness" is not in the dictionary
but it ought to stay spelled that way and
not become "business." --best regards
-- Wade Tarzia
Sailor Slowing Down
by Wade Tarzia
Let's anchor in this double-armed bay
that enfolds our ship and flanks her from
the way
of toil. Let's stow the sails for now, unship
the masts
to make the vessel need to stay, and while
this lasts
we'll know we've come to hear, to see, to
lean on a rail,
to doze against a coil of rope, to bathe with
dipping pail.
We’ll have time
to smell the strange yet knowable scents of
blooms that swell in curves of petals like
to waves curling yet slow,
slow. We’ll wrest time from clocks to
what a curve is and
understand all of nature's lines.
Even a sailing ship moves fast enough to
bring things soon;
dread the too-quick-pace, the busyness, the
active afternoon,
when lines and thoughts and sounds are all
blurred, and melodies
of the world are work-songs for getting something
merely done.
You and I for now recline on
this stripped ship;
can you hear
the parrots arguing? Do you
the fallen leaves?
Lash the tiller, please, for
now we anchor to see the glow
of marsupial eyes on bending
branches. For us
I had a chance to sail the Piccup
Squared this weekend.
The boat sails beautifully. It points quite
high into the wind and sails at all other
points very well.
This I credit largely to the sail.
I am very pleased with the sail and believe
it performs at least as well as the Bhondell
sail I have for my AF3.
Thanks for all of you help in getting the
sail to me so quickly.
I have attached a few pictures to this email.
Chris Feller
The Arkansas Messabout starts Friday September
22 and runs through Sunday September 24 --
only 5 and half weeks away. We will have some
newly launched boats this year. Larry Pullon
wrote me about his new creation:
"It is a 18' cypress stripper tunnel
hull trout boat that folds up to 10'. The
boat I built last year, Longjon, was the prototype.
I decided to cut down to 18' to make the front
easier to fold. Looks like I will be able
to fold it by myself - which was a major goal!
Power is a 2000 Merc 9.9."
I will have my newly finished 18-foot daysailer,
if plans do not go awry. It is a stretched,
Michalak Toon2 below the waterline. Above
the waterline, it is inspired by Michalak's
daysailers. The rig is
my rendition of Bolger's standing lug (Rig
no.16 from 101 sail rigs). My family will
also have our modified June bug and Mill Creek
The pavilion is ours all day Saturday, which
will provide cover in case of rain, or too
much sun. The evening we will have potluck
in the pavilion and will grill a raft of chicken.
Please let me know if you plan to attend,
and of course all of us are interested in
the boat(s) that you will bring.
I will soon post some specific road directions
to the messabout.
Here links to the park:
The state park here is very nice with visitor
center/museum and camping facilities for tents
to RVs, ramps, shower, and marina. Access
highways are very good from scenic Hwy 7 (north/south
route) or Interstate 40 (east/west).
Ramp use is free. There is a fine sandy beach
that is 50 paces from the pavilion. Boats
may pull up on the beach at any time and overnight
on the beach.
Weather forecast for planning your wardrobe:
average high for Sept 23, 82 (record high
91), average low 56 (record low 42) Sunrise
7:01, Sunset 7:08
Phil Lea
111 Evergreen Estates Dr.
Russellville, AR 72802
479-967-4922 home
479-747-0389 cell
Just thought I would tell you I finally got
around to installing the Line-Lok™
Cleats I bought over a year ago
onto the cover of my boat. The cover had had
a tendency to crawl off in cross winds when
secured by bungees, and I hoped the cleats
would cure that, but at the same time was
a bit worried that the cleats would remain
secure in 70 mph winds. Last week I spent
eight hours on the road with the boat (Waukegan
to Union MI and back) and the cleats were
WONDERFUL; easy to snug, easy to release,
and they absolutely stayed put. Thanks.
By the way, the sailing was great; there was
no wind until the moment the boat hit the
water, and then we did 17 miles in four hours
(on Diamond Lake in Cassopolis, MI); we even
did an inadvertent "hat overboard"
drill and got the hat back!
Paul Haynie
I don't have pictures developed yet (digital
camera on the fritz), but I wanted to let
you know that the Mayfly
14 is a wonderful little boat,
and got big complements too... like "Blow
harder, you'll go faster" from all the
power boaters.
Nevertheless, my brothers and I had a great
time sailing her in the wake infested waters
of Lake Shelbyville, Illinois. (I thought
the wakes were some of the best parts, actually).
No surprises, and very stable. Infact, I
found that except for the hardest winds of
the weekend, it was best to have the weight
of the passengers evenly distributed: the
boat just doesn't want to heel much under
the winds we saw.
It easily held two brothers and me: I need
to get some cushioned pants, though.
Thanks again
Tom Burton
Hi Chuck,
I'm an old retired person who played with
little tin pop-pop boats before WW2 when they
were probably the favorite toys for brats
like me. They haven't changed much since then,
so I tried to find a yahoo group that discusses
pop-pop boats. All that I found was stuff
about fathers ,popular music, bands, actresses
and stuff like that. I decided the only way
I would find a discussion group for pop-pop
boats would be to start one. It still isn't
much of a group and there hasn't been much
discussion. I would like to have a link to
the pop-pop-steamboats yahoo group at:
for any other old guys who would like to
swap stories and notions for developing new
kinds of pop-pop boats.
Best wishes,
Frank McNeill, old retired guy in Houston,
Your brass
straps are helping me steer my
WoodPussy in the photos on this link to John
Ellsworth's website.
John Ellsworth has given permission to provide
this link to your readers if you wish. John
and I will both attend the 60th WoodPussy
National Regatta on the 15-16th of this month
in red Bank New Jersey at the Monmouth
Boat Club. The Woodpussy class
website is located at www.uswpca.org.
Regards, Tony DEloia
Hi Chuck,
I was having a bit of a hard day so I thought
I'd hop on to your site and have a read, always
enjoy it, and what do you know, there Arinar
is staring back at me. Talk about make my
day. I was so excited to see it I'm ready
to sign autographs.
As a follow up, she is now ready to launch
and I'll be taking pic's and finishing a write
I've made a new web site with new photo's,
articles like sail making, part 4 of the build
and an email contact and good links. It also
loads faster. - https://arinar.bravehost.com
Regards Craig McEwan
Dear Chuck:
I've noticed every so often you'll print a
poem. Here's my stab at describing sailing.
Wish I had a picture!
Jeremy Eisler
A sunset sail to greet the moon,
The bow wave sings a silvered tune,
A glass of wine, the evening breeze,
And we incline to take our ease.
Motionless yet still we move,
No goal, no cares, nothing to prove.
No trace remains to show we passed,
‘Til time compels us home at last..
© Jeremy Eisler
Building Club Directory Wanted |
There used to be a boatbuilding club in Portland,
OR. I can't remember the name of it but it
was headquartered in Oaks Park. In looking
for it the thought came to me that it would
be nice if there were a listing of such clubs
somewhere - and where better than Duckworks?
I know it's a lot easier to suggest that someone
else do the work than to do it myself, but
it's something to think about, anyway...
--Brian M. Godfrey
Here's a tip for carrying small boats. I
take a pencil and mark the centre of balance
of my boats at various points, eg gunwhales,
keel, chines. It makes it easy to see where
to grab the boat and pick it up at exactly
the centre of balance. There's no balancing
act to get the boat level once it's in the
air. Finding the center of balance is easy.
Lay a length of 2x4 on the ground and move
the boat back and forth on it until it balances.
William R Watt
The current issue of Water Craft magazine
(published in the UK) has an interesting article
in which a builder/designer of a tortured
ply canoe used a comb joint (looks like the
one in the article
I submitted to you last September or so) to
join plywood together. What's really interesting
is that I also developed my similar joint
in the context of a tortured plywood canoe
David B. Kagan
Hi Chuck,
It's not very boat-related, but I used a
bunch of your Sunbrella material to upohlster
an sort of Arts and Crafts-style couch I made
from some domestic cherry and walnut we cut
and had sawed up a couple of years back at
the wife's parents' place. Sunbrella is hard
to beat for boat stuff, but with two baby
girls making a mess all day, I figured it
would also work well for the couch, and it
has. No stains, reasonably comfortable texture
to sit and lie on, easy to work, and the price
can't be beat for the quality of material.
Here is a .
This (see below) dropped into my in-tray
a couple of days ago and strikes me as something
that at least some of your readers may be
interested in!
I note from Woodenboat that Gypsy Moth IV
(of Gipsy Moth Circles The World fame) has
been refitted and is currently pursuing a
second circumnavigation although, despite
having six crew and a full complement of modern
navigational kit they still managed to stuff
her onto a reef 150 miles east of Tahiti!
There's a moral in there somewhere. Those
interested may follow her progress at https://www.gipsymoth.org/
I hope you and yours are well.
Al Wasey
Alec Jordan <alec@jordanboats.co.uk>
We're all talking about our boats through
this group, and others, and another member
and I talking on the phone thought it might
be a good idea to have a very informal Home
Built boat "meet" so that we can
see the results of our labours.
I have spoken to Cotswold country park just
north of Swindon who have a 44 acre lake
where they can accomodate us on the weekend
of 16/17 September. They charge £15
per day ticket per craft, and £5 per
person per night camping. Being up in Scotland,
I have no idea about the facilities - if
anyone has experience of this site, please
let us know if it is suitable.
Also, Robbins Timber have agreed to sponsor
the event if there is enough support, and
Watercraft Magazine will offer a free 3
month subscription for people who bring
a boat (the numbers of subs available may
be limited if there is a big response) .
All types of craft are welcome, but fixed
keel boats will have problems launching.
Skippers of boats with engines over 5HP
will be required to show an RYA level 2
If the interest is there for the sailors,
we could get a course laid and have a race
each day.
Please let us know if you are interested
in this event by emailing me.
Please note that I will be there to have
a good time, and not to try selling boat
kits (though you are welcome to ask about
them). The general idea is not to have a
boat show with trade stands, though as Robbins
are sponsoring, they will have a presence
This message is posted on the Oughtred Group
as well - please cross post to any other
group which supports home boat building.
Alec Jordan
Jordan Boats Fife
Found this link while ordering a hitch receiver,
and thought DW readers might be interested.
These tents would be great for messabouts
and just low-budget traveling. The truck bed
tents look like they would possibly make a
good camp-cruising rig for the right boat
as well.
Stacy D. Smith
Hi Chuck,
I don't know if you want to inform your
web page reader's, but someone tried to scam
me for thousands of dollars by offering to
buy my Redwing that I have for sale on your
web page.
The guy said he was from Holland, and his
e-mail address is fatty bruce3000@yahoo.com.
He sent me a check for 25,506.76 dollars.
Of that, I was to send a check for 10,506.76
to his shipper. I took the check to the bank
and found out it was a fraud. The check is
Ken Duda
A source you may not know about is McMaster
In the old days you had to have an open
account to order but now credit cards work.
They don't play games with shipping either.
They have everything that you can think of
from an industrial supply house. Their catalog
is online and over 3000 pages.
This really is a rags to riches tale. Its
probably the only mixed race team in the Americas
Cup and they are bonding and doing very well
too. Will you do a links to the main story?
Lots going on every day.
Roy McBride
Chuck (and Sandra):
The July/August "Small Craft Advisor"
came on Tuesday, and there was my friend Chuck
Leinweber on the cover, doing his best (very
creditable) Ted Turner impersonation. Very,
very cool. Also a great article.
Paul Haynie
Chuck and Sandra,
During the last ten months I was extremly
busy with my postgraduate architectural programm.
On a recent weekend I was graduated at least,
and from now on I'm ready to go boating and
write stories for Duckworksmag again!
Wojtek Baginski
Hi Chuck
Thanks for publishing my
story about the origins of what
we are now calling the SBC (for Savannah -
Beaufort - Charleston) Classic Boat Rally.
This year in the last week of April we had
six participating classic designed boats to
join in part or all of the journey up the
Intracoastal Waterway from Savannah to Charleston.
For a first attempt at organizing an event
like this, I think most agreed that it was
great fun and something that will surely grow
over the years.
Sail magazine sent a writer and a photographer
to cover the story and I understand it will
be in the August issue, perhaps the lead story.
Peter Neilsen, editor of Sail, said that he
believes the article will generate a significant
amount of interest for next year's rally and
urged me to set up a web site for the magazine
to refer readers to.
So, I have created the site and would be
pleased to link it to Duckworks. I also would
be honored if you would provide a link to
my site for your readers who could have an
interest in joining our event next year. My
site is www.ClassicBoatRally.com
. I hope that you will have a continuing interest
as our event grows and matures. Thanks again.
Woody Norwood
Hi Chuck.
I know that you're probably swamped in emails,
but I wanted to thank you for the quick service
and great product. I had the replacement footbraces
on my kayak in no time and couldn't be happier
with them. I look forward to getting more
boat "stuff" from you in the future.
Rick Steingress
Harley's voyage around the world |
Here is a letter I got recently:
Hi, Harley:
Please excuse the intrusion contacting you
directly instead of through microcruising
or one of the other groups. I didn't want
to start an online frenzy or draw undue
attention to your intended circumnavigation.
While at work last week I mentioned
to my boss your planned voyage and the size
of Sea Biscuit. I was totally unprepared
for the response I got. He branded you a
fool and predicted your demise and in the
course of the conversation he derided people
who perform "stunts" then get
into trouble and call the Coast Guard for
Ordinarily I would ignore such opinions,
but my boss is a member of the Coast Guard
Auxiliary and I don't know if his statements
are simply personal or if he is toeing the
party line.
Either way, I'm encouraging you to
exercise caution in the release of information
relating to your planned departure date.
I, for one, would like to see you succeed,
for any number of reasons, both personal
and for your sake. But in order to succeed
you first have to clear territorial waters
(and possibly further offshore)
Please understand that I'm not telling
you this to disturb or discourage you. My
best wishes for you and Sea Biscuit.
Philip R
My Response:
Hey Philip,
I expect as much from the likes of
he. The Coast Guard also declared Hugo Vihlen
a fool and declared his voyage manifestly
unsafe and issued an order for him not to
embark. He left despite their order and
successfully completed his voyage to England
in his 5 foot 4 inch boat. He is now one
of the most popular speakers at U.S. Coast
Guard Auxiliaries nationwide. After 13 years
he still gets invitations from them.
Please insure your boss that I have
no intention of asking anyone to "rescue
me" and I'd prefer he and his ilk not
"rescue me." I have no long range
radio to ask for help, and I shall not carry
an EPIRB. I shall be self-rescuing thank
you, and failing that I will, as Colonel
Blondie Hasler put it, "Die like a
-Kristofer J. "Harley" Harlson
-Sea Biscuit Around the World 2006-2007
PS - I would have no objection to your
display of the Coast Guards "Party
Line" regarding small boat voyagers
such as myself. Please display their narrow-minded
idiocy for all to see. People like me who
perform "Stunts" like this openly
laugh at them. Hugo Vihlens family put up
a billboard that read "If the U.S.
Coast Guard had been around in 1492, Columbus
would never have discovered America."
Our Far
Flung Correspondents |
Our "London
correspondent/boatbuilder" Martin Wiedenmeier
is now living in England with his wife and son
due to his wife's job and sent this link along
to me. https://public.fotki.com/MWAustin/boats/
Steve Lansdowne
Across Australia |
Before I write too much, I’ll just
say I’ve sent this email to everybody
in my contact list, and if I’ve ever
sent someone an email then they’re in
my contact list, so if you’re a business
or a random person that doesn’t know
who James Francis is, I’ve just sent
this too you because I probably sent you an
email five years ago or something. (in
this case, James wrote some nice articles
for Duckworks - Chuck)
Anyway, starting from next Monday, my friend
Lachie Paramor (with whom I sailed the 14ft
cat to Brisbane with) and I and are heading
down to Adelaide, and we’re bringing
with us 2 gigantic skateboards with windsurfer
rigs on them. The reason for this is we’re
going to sail up the Stuart highway for a
few weeks until we reach Darwin.
Before you throuw us in the Looney bin, I’ll
just say that unlike our other adventures
we are actually doing this for a purpose.
We’re raising money for ‘Father
Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets’.
And thanks to our three sponsors, Steve Jarvin
Motors, Manly Skateboards, and Tasman Sails
at Airlie Beach, we are able to give 100%
of the proceeds that we raise to Youth Off
The Streets.
Youth Off The Streets supports chronically
homeless and drug addicted young Australians,
with the aim of having everyone that leaves
their care to be drug free, with a high school
education, living skills and a full or part
time job in hand.
Lachie and I are well aware that, growing
up on the North Shore playing with bikes and
boats and surfboards, and our biggest stresses
usually being something like “I just
don’t have enough spare time anymore!”,
our lives are a little bit different to the
15 year old homeless kid, whose normal thoughts
are something like “I wonder if I can
get any food today” and “does
anyone really care about me anyway?”.
So for that reason we chose to raise money
for Youth Off the Streets.
So by this stage you’ve probably detected
that the reason for this email is to ask you
for money, so if you’d like to make
a donation to this charity please print out
this form, fill it out,
attach a cheque and then post to James Francis,
46 Stuart St, Longueville, NSW 2066 Australia.
Alternatively you can fill out the form, and
make your donation with cash, but you’ll
probably have to give it to me in person.
If you make a donation and would like to
make it a tax deduction, send me an email
after you transfer the money through with
your address and Youth Off The Streets, can
send you through a receipt.
If you are unable to, or don’t want
to make a donation, maybe you could forward
this email to a few of your friends or relatives.
If you’ve got any questions about any
of this, or you’re wondering if we’re
still alive in a couple of weeks time feel
free to give me a call on 0405 255 595.
James Francis
Hi Chuck.
I'm a Cape Cutter 19 (Dudley Dix) home builder,
and duckworks fan. I learn a lot of things
with you.
Best Regards
Sérgio Vianna, Curitiba, Brazil.
My son finally found the time to do the links
on our website. I think it adds considerable
to my site and will help yours as well. I
think he said there are 8 links. I like what
he did. Hope you do too.
How was your canyon trip?
Kilburn Adams
Circular saw blade that cuts curves and circles
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