Wee Buick Update
first contribution
It doesn't look so "wee" in these pics.
I'm starting to doubt that I'll be able to store this baby in
my garage on it's trailer.
I'll be starting (continuing?) my Tread
Lightly adventure in a couple weeks. I'm putting
the final touches on my son's skiff and rereading John's book
for the 53rd time this week. Last weekend I reorganized the
garage and cleaned up a bit. I need to put some additional lighting
in there so I'll be able to work during the winter evenings
with the doors closed.
I'm just plugging away, trying to do as much as
I can outdoors before the winter comes along. I'll try to post
a photo with a good-looking male model for scale, but you do
get a lot of volume for your money with this design. Not sure
how many photos the jwbuilders
can take, I really ought to have a web site for mine.
Neil McVicar