Bateau Free Canoe
Hello Chuck:
Been busy this weekend
, now that the weather is getting better , I wanted to build
a fast boat , (As payment for our new Puppy ) ,and also wanted
to experiment a bit.
I used the free
14 ft canoe plans from " " and modified
them , by changing the position of the "Butt Blocks"
not in the center but at each end so they would be behind the
bulkheads ( and not seen ) I like to use Butt Blocks but dont
like the look of them , and more difficult to tape and putty
the seams , I used 7ft x 3ft door skins , available for only
$7 each , I used 3 , As the butt block joints will never be
seen you can really load up the seams with epoxy and not worry
about smoothing it out, add cloth strips , soak it all in epoxy
, thats it , no sanding easy , so I can spend a bit more time
on the parts that will be seen.
I also used a "Rubber
Maid " storage bin with a locking type lid as a storage
hatch !! cost $8 , just cut the deck out and mastic the bin
to the deck from below ( It has a good lip around the rim so
will be secure and air tight , I think it looks ok , and will
paint the boat to match the colours ( Grey and Blue ) This was
a fast boat to build, just 2 days to get this far , regards
Stephen Dandridge