Chili - Update 8
(click here for more about Hot Chili)
Latest Chili build photos.
Boards are just 19mm ply shaped in the forrd 20pct and rear
30 pct to NACA foil sections (below wl). The weight cutout has
introduced a bit more flex than desirable and should be halved.
The flex is a bit astonishing given the two layers of double
bias glass on the boards. We will discuss this one and may fatten
them out to 25 mm, or even shorten them a little, sending a
revised plan out to those who are building, or waiting to see
this one sail, as many plan-purchasers are doing.
These boards really are quite
huge. Jim's bottom rail is set 4 inches higher on the boat than
specified, you can see this because the board "weight cutout"
is supposed to not show either rail. The rail runs just 2ins
above the waterline and above the rail is a good point to stop
glassing for those who are glassing the bottoms only, which
is all that's necessary. Jim has glassed right thru below his
bridgedeck as he is puting the boat on a central trailer hump
off which it slides into the water. This will be hreat for a
ll manner of stowage and travel, which is after all what the
boat is for.
Jim will brace these daggerboards
with a third rail at the bottom level which I think will work
well, and the tiny extra wet area wont matter with a standard
rig, let alone his 50 pct over standard sail plan! It is easy
to forget this is a little cruiser, as most cats this size are
wet, very light and very very fast.
The average Chili will be a
more substantial feel, a drier and more sociable boat, but not
a slow one as its Bruce number of 1.2 with standard sails indicates.
That is still a cruising cat number though, similar to many
Ocean/Coastal 30-38 footers. These are the largest of 3 sizes
of board drawn, some of the others are cut away in a curve and
look a bit like a giant gurka knife.
Thanks all for your interest
Jeff Gilbert
ps youll see the (oversize
75mm instead of standard 57mm) forebeam leaning against the
wall in the first shot.