by Guest Columnist Rav Davis

Now what was the question again?

I am building the Piragua 18 right now. Even at my slow pace, grabbing half an hour here and there after work, I hope to be finished by Christmas. I have the sides cut and spliced (used epoxy/tape on both sides instead of butt blocks). I have all the bulkheads and transom & temp frame complete. I have all the wale strips and chine logs spliced up (I can never find decent 18ft lumber, so I have had to scarf pieces cut from 10ft 1x4s). While I thought it would be cool to build a "prototype", it is not the primary reason I chose to build this boat. So if you are so inclined, you are welcome to try and beat me to the finish line. I announced my intentions to build this boat many months ago, but didn't start in earnest until November 29th. I made some whiney post about how construction on my house, and my wife's honey-do list had delayed my building. Immediately I received a virtual drubbing from the members of this board, for not having my priorities in order. Seeing the error of my ways, I have set out to gradually win back the favor of the intrepid Michalak builders. So in the midst of holiday shopping, trying to get my heat pump connected (yikes no heat!), and insane employment demands, I am building a boat.

"What have you been doing out there," she asked suspiciously from the couch, wrapped in a quilt with the tiny space heater inches from her slippered feet. He paused in the doorway, suddenly noticing how formidable a quilted woman could appear. "I'm building a boat," he said trying to sound manly, defiant, even challenging. But on the last word, he hesitated a millisecond, and a bit of petulance squeaked in. Her eyes went wide, but she was silent. As he poured himself a glass of water, he sneaked a glance at her to ascertain her reaction. Was she in shock? livid? homicidal? It was no use, her face revealed no emotion. Now, a week later, I am still alive and building. Yes, sleeping with one eye open, eating food only from cans I open, takes its toll. But I am comforted by the knowledge that I am once again on the Golden Path, and will soon achieve Enlightenment.

Now what was the question again?

AKA some guy from down South