142 x 37.5 x 350lbs, 63 or 53.5sq ft
This is another of my Mouse series of small stitch and tape sailing
dinghies designed to deliver the most fun I can squeeze out of a minimum
of materials and construction work. In this case the main constituents are
three sheets of 1/4in marine ply and a quarter sheet of 1/2in marine ply,
some lumber and a sheet of polytarp.
This one is offered in
two rig sizes: 63sq ft for skilled teenage or adult sailors, and a 53.5sq
ft option for intermediate sailors such as adults graduating to their
first single-hander or a child trading up from an Optimist. In either
case, I think this will be a sensitive and often tippy boat, and those who
use it should be watched over closely.
Information on the scarfing, stitch and glue, and plastic tarpaulin
sail-making techniques is widely available via the internet, as are
sources of the main materials.
This design has been developed by an amateur and must be considered
experimental. The designer accepts no responsibility for accident or loss
occurring as a result of building or using this craft.
If you should decide to build this boat, please contact me at
gmatkin@clara.net . I'll help
you all I can, and in return I need photographs and feedback about the
boat's construction and her performance.
Copyright Gavin Atkin, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3NP April 2002
An email discussion group for builders and
users of this boat has been created at:
This zip file includes:
- a gif showing the lines
- construction details in both gif and dxf
- coordinates for cutting out the ply
material for both hull and decking using a batten
- a table of offsets for The Edge
- this readme file
All drawings copyright Gavin Atkin, Tunbridge
Wells, April 2001