launch spring...
it is a Tolman
Hull (Homer AK)
22' x 5'1/2 Beam at Chine, 7 1/2' gunwale, 4 ft deep at the bow, 8 degree
deadrise at stern, 14 degree midship, increasing to a deep vee at the bow...
fibreglass and epoxy over marine plywood, on 6 inch Versalam stringers....
hull weight is only 1200 lbs
dory style hull, sides flare about 22 degrees avg...
no deck yet
90 HP Honda is going on it April 01
MUCH fun to build...
CPT David Nolan
CML (732) 427-2439
DSN 987-2439
couple more - please add to the Nolan skiff project
I sent away to Renn for the addendum on building the windshield
and hardtop
and I still have to put the ports in and paint - seat...
but I can FISH!!!!!